"My passion for STRONG rural communities has drawn me to public service. My small business and agriculture experiences help me lay the foundation for common sense, conservative solutions that will allow ALL to find success."
natural resources
A Viable & Sustainable Agriculture Economy
Keep Public Lands Public - Promote Multiple Uses
Outdoor Recreation Economies
Mining, Timber, Tourism
Conservation Practices
Protect Private Property Rights
Local Control Decision Making
Access to All
Vocational & Trades Training/Education
Opportunities for Choices
a respected brand of leadership & trust
you can rely upon
Graduate of Twin Bridges High
Graduate of MSU - Agriculture Education
Vocational Agriculture Instructor/FFA Advisor
Manager of NILE Livestock Expo & Rodeo
Owner of Ruby Valley Bank
Youth Sports Coach
Ranch Owner
Ruby Valley Medical Center Trustee (12 years)
Lifelong Community Leader & Volunteer
Married to Mary Beth for 31 years.
We've raised two sons, Robert & Michael
Strong Family Values