"My passion for STRONG rural communities has drawn me to public service. My small business and agriculture experiences help me lay the foundation for common sense, conservative solutions that will allow ALL to find success."
Thank You Citizens of Montana House of Representative District 69!
I’m honored and humbled in the confidence you have place in me to again represent you in the Montana Legislature. I encourage you to engage in the process and provide thoughts and comments, now and during the session, which will start on January 6th and continue through April.
Please follow along with all legislative news via the website, legmt.gov
You can follow a bill from introduction to final determination, bill text and any amendments, testify online or with written comments, watch committee hearings and floor sessions, and view the daily schedule.

I look forward to collaborating with you, my constituents, fellow legislators, and the executive branch to find solutions for the challenges we face.

My passion for strong rural committees has drawn me to public service. I am confident that I can utilize my small business and agriculture experiences to find COMMON SENSE CONSERVATIVE SOLUTIONS that will allow all to find success.
I look forward to hearing from you, please reach out via text messages, 406-596-0418 or email kenneth.walsh@legmt.gov.